Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Stuff and other stuff.

Hi again,
I know, I'm rubbish at keeping up with blogs so I'll forgive you if you've wandered off- if you'll forgive me and come back once in a while :)

What's happened? Well..
It's turning out to be a  weird year. It started out massively promising with collaborations coming out of my ears. 'Higher' was a  huge huge hit and in a  couple of weeks we'll see just how big- and whether or not I can afford to mod my car..well, maybe just a  new gearstick will suffice. We'll see.

At Easter we learned that one of our four beloved cats, Charlie had the beginnings of terminal cancer. I won't depress you with the details too much but 2 1/2 months later it had spread throughout him,and although he still had some quality of life,  he needed hand feeding and watering  for two heartbreaking weeks and eventually we lost him, with help, near the end of June. 6 years with him after we brought him in as a  bedraggled, bleeding, terrified stray- nursing  him through injuries into a  playful, mad, happy little man with a  gigantic character, was not long enough, but I'm so glad that he came to find us. We will miss him very much.

But things are picking up again- after a slight lull in collaborations, songs are coming in again and the tremendous label Tactal Hots offered me a  chance to add vocals to a track written by a  very talented songwriter, James O Neill. They were very happy with the result and stepped things up, asking me to write the vocal section for another song which has turned out extremely well..I think their response was that they thought it was 'awesome'. So hopefully we have started something really exciting here.

Two songs have been finished with Derek Williams. I forget now if I'd already mentioned 'Sanity', a  great dance track that we smithed together- 'Void' followed it up which is just as fabulous but with ore of an 80s feel this time. Tracks are to be released as 'Izzie Voodoo And the People'.

There are other songs in the pipeline now which I'm having to fanagle in order to fit in with things but in the meantime I decided (on the advice of a  venue promoter) to add a  cover song (something normally I detest to be honest) into the Tokyo Witch Hunt set. We have decided to interchange songs according to venues and audiences but the first to come out of the bag is 'A Forest' by The Cure. Here's the link  https://soundcloud.com/tokyowitchhunt/a-forest-cure-cover .

Finally for now is the news that after 2  years' obligatory training time, I have passed my 2nd Dan promotion in Kickboxing. Since the embroidery company first cut the end of my belt at a strange angle and then proceded to get both dan bars wonky, I am told I'm henceforth known as 'Crooked Dan'!!

For anyone unaware of the general grading system with martial arts, there are 10 kyu grades leading to black which signifies the ability to understand and know fully all the 'basics' of a discipline..and then Dan grades follow from there and are sometimes regarded as being equal to academic degrees. I passed with 96%.  So I'm pretty happy with that :) Here's to the next 3  years!
Catch you soon x

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